Monday, May 25, 2009

The story behind my poem

As many of you know, I have not been known as much of a poet,* and perhaps you have been wondering what inspired me to write a poem. It started while I was reading nineteenth century military documents when I was quite depressed by the utter uselessness of their style of combat. And then I had a dream...

The first dream wasn't bad, the whole airsoft group (including myself) was out on our lawn trading volleys of airsoft fire to see how warfare used to be waged. However, the night after than I dreamp't that the airsoft group was in a valley trading volleys with replica muskets while I was on top of a hill, to see what affect smoke had on the visibility of a general. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to tell them to not load with real bullets and they started shooting at each other. I didn't wake up until I dreampt that I was at Church and several airsofters were dead, and many more wounded.

Although this may sound silly, it was quite serious to me. It seemed that I had ordered my friends to shoot each other in my dream for just as poor a reason as they used to in real life.

That is why I wrote the poem about the utter uselessness and destruction of war, unless it is for reasons necessitated by God's word.

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