Monday, April 13, 2009


Defeat, how mournful, and victory how bright!
Marking the end of battle, but we have neither this night.
This night for now is peace, for now a time to rest,
tomorrow is the day of war, of misery and of death.
Tomorrow this green valley will be filled with leaden shot,
indeed, this mortal valley will decay and start to rot. 
Why do men fight with cannon? With musket and with sword? 
Why indeed can we not fight with logic and God's word? 

Defeat, how terrible, and victory how vain! 
When we have no just cause, but fight for our own gain. 
Although there is a time for war, the time for peace is bless't 
Let us now fight by trading words, not by exchanging death. 
When men attack your family, fight and drive them out 
When men assault your country, join, and make them rout. 
But when your nation goes to war, with glory the reward, 
ride not with them, O Christian men, give glory to the LORD!

1 comment:

deliciatekernel said...

That was amazing. Beautiful, profound, and Godly.