7. Gas House Gang.
The winners of the 1993 Barbershop Harmony Society's international competition.
Pros: Really incredible harmonies and chords.
Cons: Too many love songs. :p But seriously, a lot of their songs aren't very deep.
8. Charlie Zahm.
Singer of Traditional songs.
Pros: Powerful voice.
Cons: I'm not a big fan of most of the songs he sings.
9. The Antrim Mennonite Choir.
Better than Mormons right? :p
Pros: Hymns!
Very relaxing.
Can hear every part distinctly, good recording.
Cons: None really, but be careful, they may put you to sleep.
10. Vocal Spectrum.
Another Barbershoop quartet. Won the same competition in 2006
BTW. Even though the Lead sounds like Weird Al in the first verse of the song I linked to, he doesn't usually sound like him.
Pros: Basically the same as the gas house gang.
But they sing the Barber of Seville Overture. :)
Cons: Don't sing the William Tell Overture. :(
Whew. I've finished!
I will NOT resort to using the power of the tag, But if you have read this I would like to see your top ten favorit artists also.